Therapy for Latinx and BIPOC Populations


“You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world.”
Oprah Winfrey

Therapy is a very vulnerable and intimate experience that can lead to ultimate growth, healing and and an improved ability to enjoy life. In order to be vulnerable, many individuals need to find a therapist they feel safe with and can trust. Trust is often built when we feel understood and this is why many people of color prefer to work with a therapist of color who may have an understanding of their identities, cultural and family background, and everyday challenges and pressures. For individuals who are part of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and Latinx/Hispanic communities and want to work with a therapist of color, finding the right match can be challenging.

Everyone deserve a safe space and the support of a therapist who will make you feel understood.

As a culturally responsive therapist, I recognize the importance of having a safe space where you can discuss topics like everyday life stressors, family dynamics, intimate relationships, and work challenges while not forgetting your identity and cultural background. I am committed to helping you navigate the complexities of life and heal from any historical trauma many members marginalized community experience while not avoiding topics around discrimination, microaggressions, misogyny, xenophobia, and other cultural concerns that impact your professional and personal life.

I am also fluent in Spanish and not a stranger to more casual slang in English and Spanish. I welcome the use of language that you would use with your friends or family as it is expression of your authentic self.

If you want to take the first step on your therapeutic journey, call me at 347-687-9505 or use this contact form to schedule a free consultation. A step in the right direction will get you where you want to go.