

Have you tried psychotherapy in the past and feel that there is more healing and growth to be done? It may be that you want to gain a deeper understanding of yourself or continue to feel stuck in life and would like more from life and relationships. Psychoanalysis might be the right therapy approach if you want change unconscious patterns that keep repeating in your life and work through deep wounds that have not yet healed. Through psychoanalysis, we get to the underlying issues that keep you feeling trapped and living a dissatisfied in life.

Psychoanalysis requires a commitment of meeting 3 to 5 times per week and lying on a couch. The intensity helps deepen the work and guide you inward, ultimately strengthening your relationship to yourself. In psychoanalysis, you will be encouraged to speak freely which will allow for the exploration of fantasies, desires, and unconscious thoughts. Psychoanalysis can lead to greater fulfillment and satisfaction in your life.

I am currently training to become a psychoanalyst at the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity in New York City. If you are interested in participating in a structured psychoanalytic treatment call me at 347-687-9505 or use this contact form so we can further explore this possibility.